Repeal The Gas Tax: Yes On 6

carldemaio-dot-com-heroCarl DeMaio is The Man. No, I don’t mean “the Man”, like the one you want to stick it to when he gets you down. I mean THE MAN, like Michael Jordan coming out from retirement to score 55 points against the New York Knicks. Carl DeMaio could have simply stayed in the comfort of his on-air studio, urged people to repeal the gas tax as part of his radio show, and then gone home. Instead, he’s been crisscrossing the state, meeting with newspaper editorial boards, speaking at informational political meetings, and doing everything he can to repeal the worst legislative disaster in recent California history.

Carl is one of the thousands of people in the state who helped bootstrap the Yes On 6 initiative onto the ballot by sheer force of will, collecting signatures and surmounting legal hurdles as they organized their communities into action. He recently spoke to a citizens group up in Oceanside, urging them to keep up the fight — and though North County is outside our congressional district, I felt it was important to lend my name to the cause. This gas tax actually raises itself automatically every year without requiring any action from the governor or state legislature. What kind of insanity is that? One of the reasons that I’m running for Congress is to improve transparency in government.  Lawmakers need to be accountable to voters, not pretend like they had nothing to do with it while our taxes keep going up.

Visit the Yes On 6 website to order yourself a free yard sign, as well as receive some other clever political materials — such as “Repeal The Gas Tax” stickers that you can put on gas pumps to remind voters how much extra they’re paying each time they fill up. (Get permission first, of course.) A victory here, for a truly grassroots citizen movement, would be extraordinary.



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